
to people who might be wondering, I will not comment on Zayn's departure or the baby rumours and the new ones about the band breaking up.
          As of updates, they will come back, and I apologize for all this hiatus thing, things haven't been easy. Please understand.
          Love you,
          Carolina .xx


I'm really sorry for not updating, I've been ill. My eyes are burning, I even got temperature and my hayfever just reached a point where my whole body hurts when I sneeze (more than 10 times in a row ugh). So I really apologize. I'll try to update soon though. Hope everyone is doing good.
          Lots of love
          Carolina .xx


Here there are links if you don’t live in the US and you want to see the boys on Jimmy Fallon and their TV Special tonight. The 1D TV Special will start at 8:00PM EST on NBC. (If you live in the UK the show will start at 1:00am GMT), while Jimmy Fallon will start at 11.30pm EST on NBC (if you live in the UK the show will start at 4.30am GMT)

          Just thought someone would like to know =)


@niamrocks fell xD, felt is the past of feel xD and fell is of fall :P and eh I didn't see it, it was to late and I was like 4 am AHAHAHAH in your dreams xD


@niamrocks it starts at 1 am :)


Sorry for not updating, i was busy with meetings all this weekend from catechism. The chapter is almost all written so i may not take that much to update.
          Eu também reparei que os imagines não ficaram publicados. EU JURO QUE OS PUS! Mas eles não aparecem e eu vou ter que escrever outra vez. Estou triste. 
          I'm really sorry everyone I'm crying :'(