Hello everyone,
Long time no log in. Until now.
I'm sorry for all the absence, life is demanding and I'm actually allowing it in nowadays. So sadly getting here has been problematic. A lot of personal things have been happening behind the scenes and my own growing process, which has factored in to my distancing myself from projects here and online life.
My online life has to be healthy. It cannot be my crutch. It cannot be /my life/. Just a balanced part of it. For my own good. Not anybody else's.
But, I shall be back with little projects here and poems as often as I can from now on. Nothing that eats up too much time though.
Speaking of which, I added a new musing to Taking Flight for the first time in a year and a half since I'd thought it was finished...
I shall be going through and editing all its parts, and making the 'letters' a section at the end or something woven through the rest. The whole thing is still a letter to myself, to other people, both those going through different forms of mental illness and those who would like to understand a little more what others may go through. It is still such a dear project, which deserves to be shined up.
I intend to introduce more writing of its type and topics, hopefully using Antidote to do so, as that is an on going project.
I have ideas for some short stories, too. Now just to see what I can do.
My focus of writing has shifted, so for anyone waiting on long projects, like Nocturnals (from my other account), it may be some time before I get back to it, if ever. This is also to do with my outlook now as much as it's to do with time constraints with life in general.
Hope to see some of my favourite usernames around again,
LoVe Caroline Ann xoxox