
@UnicornFartGlitter YOU'RE WELCOME=DDDDD you're a amazing writer so you deserve it^____^<3


u are such a sweetheart..thank-u for thats weet comment on my proiflee... <3<3<3<3 uncles better now..he cant leave hospital yet but he's better..and nedless to say i'm ill right now..¬.¬ ..looll..xD ...
          hows u <3 xxx


HI5 ;) 
          i always get if i get an A or B ~ instead of congrats hun---its just why didnt u get an A* ..who got the highest in your class..why did you come second..bladi-bla-blaaa ... =..= 
          ah well...u ant choose ur family unfortunately  > . <
          anywaaays...thank-u for fanning...may i ask which one of my horrible stories u liked enough to fan plzz xD 