
@--elegance--  your welcome it looks good


This is in response to your message on Noelle's board. (I didn't want to clog her board/notifications.)
          You can still use ask without an account; you just won't receive a notification when she replies. As for the covers, minimalist covers (such as Noelle's) are super easy to make even with no past experience. Anything, such as Picmonkey, iPiccy, and Pixlr, works great. (I personally prefer the first 2, as they're incredibly simple. I've never been able to figure out Pixlr, and, frankly, I don't need to because the others work beautifully.) But if you want a manipulated cover and don't have any experience, I suggest going to the Multimedia Designs club; it's full of super talented cover makers, some of whom are willing to make a cover for as little as a dedication and/or shout-out.


@CarribeanDaisy No problem. If you have any more questions about anything, feel free to send me a message or PM. I'm always on :)


@illusoire WOW you are amazing thank you so much!