
To anyone who reads my story Mr Perfect I have just updated it and I am wondering if the spacing is mucked up and if the chapter title is not displayed as this is how it is coming up on my wattpad app and I wondered if it was the same for anyone else. On the website it is displaydd fine and the chapter title is there so I am wondering if it just my device :/


To anyone who reads my story Mr Perfect I have just updated it and I am wondering if the spacing is mucked up and if the chapter title is not displayed as this is how it is coming up on my wattpad app and I wondered if it was the same for anyone else. On the website it is displaydd fine and the chapter title is there so I am wondering if it just my device :/


@shaznay_martin anytime, if you find the time check mine out too ;) xxx


Yeah I read the first chapter and voted it! It's in my library I'll read some more later x x