Hello. I don’t know who’s going to see this but hopefully everybody who follows me has the chance to see this. Over these past few years I’ve started writing stories and then failed to finish them and I’m not entirely sure why. I used to really enjoy writing but now I think that’s changed and I think it’s partly because I’ve lost the inspiration to write. Recently I’ve tried to get back into writing the stories that I used to be so happy to write but I feel like I’m failing. I don’t know if my feelings of failure come from the lack of votes on my most recent fic and original work or from my severe lack of talent but it’s there and I’m not sure when it’ll go away. Because of this I’ll be taking a break from Wattpad until I feel I’ve become more confident in my writing. I don’t want to write anything that I’m not confident in because my readers deserve more than that. Thank you for taking the time to read this if you did and I hope that the next time I write something for you it’ll be good news.

@CarrotsloveMe awwww.... i hope you feel better.... hon, we all got bad times. And i think u r very brave to have been able to write such AMAZING stories while you were here. I rlly think youre amazing and i hope you get well soon!