
Uh...  Hey


hope your doing alright, and 2020 wasnt to bad for you. it's been about what? three years now? maybe two, idk I'm bad at keeping track and remembering that type of stuff, but at least now things are slowly going back to normal, hopefully your life isn't to bad or that you had to stay off your account for some reason idk I'm prob to hopeful for this. but yea, your a good writer even if you dont like writing or your old works and working on editing or smth your still good at it. uh oh yea and rember to drink at least a cup of water and a meal for the day no matter how hard it may be, I know school blocked wattpad so that may be the reason you havent been posting so if it is I hope you dont forget about it


@reader1rarly1wrriter Hey!  I really appreciate your comment and checking in on me even though I've totally ghosted everyone for two years and I guess that wasn't exactly fair and one hundred percent my bad!  I do get emails every time someone leaves a comment and it makes me smile to know that people are still interacting with my story and enjoying it.  I'd like to think that I am a way better writer now and once in a blue moon I do post things over on AO3 (under a different username) but once again I just haven't had the motivation to write anything in a while.  I am in a different and better headspace currently than I was in high school and you may be surprised to hear that I am actually only one semester away from my student teaching and then graduating with an art education degree!  I do still write when that hyper fixation rolls around but it's mostly just self-indulgent that will never see the light of day.  I did have plans to finish my Underfell story and still have it written in a draft but it's only two or three sentences that I was never really happy with.  I was going to wrap the story up with one final chapter just to get it all finished but then mentally I wasn't thriving and just ended up dropping writing altogether.  I definitely used it as a mental escape in school and I didn't realize just how helpful it was for me.  Now I am vibing with an adult diagnosis of ADHD (which explains why I was struggling so much) and cruising on my meds all the way across the finish line with my bachelor's degree just in reach!  I don't want to make any promises I can't keep but if people really want it I could probably find it in me to put my heart and soul into wrapping up that story (and possibly rewriting the chapters because y i k e s) with the biggest and shiniest bow I can find.  Thank you again for checking in with me after all this time :)


Hey all!  I didn't want to make an Author's Note on 'Northern Downpour' because I deemed it unnecessary.  So as you can tell, I haven't been as active as I would have liked, it's literally been an entire year since I've done anything story wise on here.  I promise that I am still going to continue 'Northern Downpour', I have all my ideas for the final bits down, and am going to try to get it written very very soon.
          I know I make a lot of promises that I haven't really followed up on, but you can trust me that this time I am going to get it finished.
          This school year has really been kicking my butt with scholarship applications and testing.  That's right, I'm an adult now!  And Toby Fox has released a whole other game -- that I love by the way -- since I've talked with you guys.
          I'm about 1/3 of the way done with this final chapter -- that I might but into two parts if it gets too long -- and hope to get it done before the end of the school year.  If not then definitely this summer.
          I might release a non plot related chapter in the meantime if I'm having trouble getting back into writing.  I have not written anything for any story this year and it's kind of bumming me out.  I want to get this story complete as much as you all do, and I will get it done.
          You have my word!  I love you all and hope you have a good day.


@CarryOnWaywardPie I hope your doing ok, remember to drink water and eat at least once I belive in you, if you've moved on or havent checked wattpad in a while i tots get it 


            ಠ⌣ಠ       ಥ_ಥ.     (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)


@CarryOnWaywardPie its been a year ;c
            are you okay?


Can you please update The Merman Named Castiel. I have fallen in love with thr story, and it is amazing.


@AndysCoffin thank you so much!  I am in the middle of a few projects right now but it's definitely on my list of things to do!


Ummm, i'm new to wattpad, and I only know how to read other people's stories. How exactly do you start writing? Thx. 
          ~Sprinkles :D <3 
          Luv your books BTW


@Sprinkles-the-Cat Sorry for the late response.  I don't always get notified if someone posts on my feed.  But all I have to say for that is to find something that inspires you and go with it.


Thx for the folow ^w^