hello everyone, it's been awhile!
tori and I have been very busy in our personal lives, but we've still been hard at work on our stories! tori also made us a very cute logo for our account!
stargate defense seasons one and two have new covers designed by me! I know you guys have been patiently waiting for season three of stargate defense. it's mostly done, just needs editing, one more episode title, and graphics. unfortunately, the last episode title has been giving us some trouble and that's what has mainly been holding us up with getting season three out. we've been racking our brains trying to come up with a title, but unfortunately it keeps eluding us. we also have seasons four, five, and six completely written! they also need editing, episode titles, and graphics. we really love this series and hope we can share the rest of it with you soon!
along with our sg-1 fanfiction, we also wrote one with our atlantis characters that briefly appeared in stargate defense! our stargate atlantis series will be titled stargate expedition and will also consist of six seasons. we have this series mostly written, but we've run into a few plotting problems that we've yet to work through in the later seasons. expedition likely won't be published until we finish posting defense, so stay tuned!
we've taken a little break from our stargate stories to hopefully help us with plotting and those pesky episode titles. we're going to be re-writing strange relations as well as the kingdom of lothoria trilogy. we've begun re-plotting strange relations and the first kingdoms book. we've also begun re-writing the first kingdoms book!
there's been a lot going on behind the scenes and we hope we can get the rest of stargate defense out soon. thank you for being patient and sticking with us!
happy holidays! <3
~ holly