
And I stay quite and he repeats his question and I say “no one.” And they start getting closer and closer and I start screaming again cuz that’s all you can do and he grabs my arm and holds the knife up to my neck and asks “where’s your boyfriend now?” And I tell him “I don’t have one.” And they all start laughing.. at this point I’m so scared that I could pass out I had bruises on my arms and legs and I was in so much pain.. and there all just staring at me as I just wince in pain and he asks “who’d be the only person you’d thought come save you huh?” And I couldn’t answer him cuz I was in shock then he yells at me and asks the same question and I say very quickly “L-L-Louis T-Tomlinson!” And they all grab me and start dragging me to the closet again fanned I’m screaming and asking the to stop wish of course they didn’t and when I hear the door close I realized that they left but I’m still stuck in the closet with no way out but then I hear the door open hoping it’s the boys part 6


this message may be offensive
And somehow I escape and run to someone’s bed room and hide under the bed which is never a good idea but all of a sudden I hear these foot steps and they get louder and louder and I’m just under the bed being as quite as possible when suddenly I get gripped on by my feet and start getting pulled out and I’m trying to grab the carpet and obviously it doesn’t work so at this point my nose is running I’m sweating like nothing hyperventilating so badly while I’m getting carried by this clown and I get shoved in a closet and I’m just sitting there crying continuously and I look over and I see a clown staring at me so I try opening the closet when all of a sudden the clown wraps his hands around my neck and can’t breath and I finally open the door and I try running out the front door but I can’t so I run to a corner cuz I’m dumb and all 5 of the clowns and holding there torture items as I’m pleading for them to leave and not kill me... and then one of them say “who’s here to save you now?”


And I thought they’d be back anytime soon .. im still looking around just in case but 2 hours pass and it’s 1am and I’m starting to get scared because there gone and I can’t find one and I was about to call the police when I hear a knock on the door.. I open the door and I start screaming as 5 clowns walk in the apartment were in and I’m screaming and screaming as I run to hide somewhere .. so now I’ve been hiding for approximately 1hour so I’d assume there gone ya know so I come out of my hiding place and see that no ones there so I run to the phone on the kitchen counter and before I could grab it I feel these arms wrap around my waist I turn around and see the clown staring at me with 2 of the other clowns behind him with knives so I’m screaming crying trying to scream for help but not a single soul heard me and they bring me into this room at this point it’s so dark I can’t see so I’m crying so loud and one of them starts whispering it will only hurt a second.. part 4 coming


So a few days pass and Harry starts whispering to the boys about who it could be.. so I ask Harry what there talking about and he says “oh nothing just guy stuff” so I walk off and hide behind a wall so I can still hear them and of course Louis was being loud and says my name so of course I knew what they were talking about.. and I come from behind the wall and say “oh really guy stuff?” And Zayn says “We’ll get you to say who it is one way or another” and I nervously laugh and say “okay” and then a few hours later I hear knocking on my bedroom door and then Louis walks in and asks me normal Louis questions and he asked “what’s your biggest fear?” So I said “clowns” and then he left the room to go ask the other boys.. so then the night comes and I’m about to go to sleep that’s when I normally go hug the boys goodnight so I walked out of my room to go tell them and there gone.. and I start freaking out and it starts getting really dark outside.. part 3 coming


So basically I joined the band unknown and we went on tours and everything but after this one concert we all decided to go to a fancy restaurant so we had backup clothes and everything so we get there and the boys ask what I’m getting and I say “I’m not that hungry” and they all look at me weird and they say “your always hungry” and I tell them “I haven’t been hungry the past 2 weeks” and they all smirk at each other and I ask “what?” And they say “Your in love.” And I say “I am?” And they don’t respond after that... and I start thinking in my mind who could I be in love with and all of a sudden it comes to me that I’m in love with Louis so I yell out loud “SHIZ”and they look at me again and Niall says “Who’s the lucky man?” And I stay quite and Niall says “Well?” And then he asks “Is it one of us?” And I say “What!? No way!? Hahahahaha” and Liam says “which one of us are you I love with?” And I get up and run out the door before they can catch up to me.. part 2 awaits