
New chapter coming out later today; yesterday was a bit too hectic to write.


          Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony, then everything changed when the fire nation attacked—" 
          *static, voice cuts off*
          Yeah no.
          Hey there! We see you have found yourself in the land of avyeria, well better get acquainted then. We are the Elemental Society, a Community that offers you  great opportunities and encourage you on to your adventure, no matter what your power.
          Maybe you are a lightbringer who spreads light on amazing new worlds, or a lightning spinner who can create flashes of an earth unseen, maybe a frost singer who is great with details? No matter who you are, we probably have a place for you. So come on, grab a chair and stay awhile! Who knows maybe you'll like it enough to stay a little longer ;)


Ok, so I was looking back on my story, and I just realized that I started it in May of last year. It's almost been a full year and I only have 4 chapters. Because of this realization, I'm considering attempting to commit to weekly updates, and if not weekly then by-weekly. I think that can be my goal for this year. To at least commit to this. If I do start, it will be with the next update.


@user33658145 I will! I just have to get homework out of the way and gain some inspiration! Then I'll be much more active.


@ CartoonFreak14  please continue!  It's a magnificent story! 