
Just went to my physio. The man said that I probably won't have to return and to phone back in a month's time to see if I have to return or not. Heading home now, once I'm home I'll be working on the next chapter to my MHA + Reader.


Just went to my physio. The man said that I probably won't have to return and to phone back in a month's time to see if I have to return or not. Heading home now, once I'm home I'll be working on the next chapter to my MHA + Reader.


I will be getting a call later on from a random doctor. (Random because I can't spell what they are- I'm bad at spelling and wording, save me) 
          They will be telling me when I'm getting my first physio appointment. I didn't expect it to be this quick but here we are. I'm working on chapter 3 for my most recent book. It's not the best book but i think it will get better as it goes on.


So uhhhhhh...
          I went to A&E today and now I have to take physio. I will be trying to update my latest book before I get told when it starts. 
          I won't be updating it as much since I will be focused on school and physio as well as my spine. (the reason that I went to A&E) After I get a bit more used to the new routine I will be able to update the book more often.


@CaseyDeFroggo your welcome, and all that matters is that you try


@Angstislifelol Tysm! I will try my best to not get stressed out by everything but I think I can manage it. Again, tysm :>


@CaseyDeFroggo sorry about your spine, I hope you figure things out and getting into your new routine won't be too much trouble for you! But don't stress yourself with writing, especially if you have other priorities. I hope things go well for you