Please DON'T POST on my profile unless it's a reading request! If you want to thank me for fanning you, you can just comment on my story. Thanks so much! :)
Heyy, I noticed u were one of my fans so I decided to tell u I wrote a new story u might like. Check it out, comment and thanks:) It's called I Love and Stalk You:
Hello. This is weeping_willow32's other acount. I'd appreciate it if you fan us and read our fanfiction "When Two Worlds Collide." and I (Aaliyah) share this account with my friend Morgan. We don't have many fans.
It's people like you who make me sick! All you do is go around fanning people just so people will read and comment on your one crappy story that you will obviously never update. The purpose of this website is to write and enjoy it not to try to rack up the most fans by doing absolutely nothing skank!