this message may be offensive
B R U H. Before I start my rant: Hi! I’m back from Maryland and I’ll have a new prompt out by tomorrow. I have a really good one (in my opinion) that imma write, so look forward to it!
Anyways, onto the rant.
So, I was looking through the AO3 “Dimension Travel” tag to see if I could find any good stories about the Dream SMP characters getting dumped into the real world and meeting their content creator counterparts (I read one, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know!), when I saw one about cc!Dream and c!Dream swapping places. Not that bad, right? It all went downhill when I saw that the person was a c!Dream apologist.
They had the AUDACITY to say that they DISLIKED CC!DREAM, AND THAT C!DREAM NEEDED A FUCKING HUG. Now, it’s fine if they just left it at disliking cc!Dream, not everyone has to like all the content creators, but them being a c!Dream apologist at the same time is what pissed me off. How can you say that cc!Dream is stinky (their exact words), yet excuse the actions of c!Dream? An abusive, manipulative green monster who has murdered and attempted to murder two children, has manipulated three children and taken advantage of one’s memory problems, and all the other shit he’s done?
I just want to make it clear that c!Dream apologists are not safe here. It is on fucking sight if I see anyone try and make it seem like Dream was in the right with anything he did. Maybe I wouldn’t mind if it was with the adults, but I draw the fucking line at murdering and abusing children. Do not try and excuse the actions of a child abuser and murderer. It doesn’t matter if it’s fictional, so don’t try and use that argument.
Also, just to clarify, it’s alright if you like c!Dream as a villain. That’s fine. But don’t try and make him out to be in the right.