Hi, so I kinda made a Gary x Akar fanfic ( from the movie Sahara) and uhh yeah, it’s done and will be uploaded all chapters at once, (there aren’t many since this is just a story that started from about the middle of the movie and ended at the end of the movie.) if I do upload it however, my fanfic will probably be the only Gary x Ajar fanfic lol (I came up with the ship name Gajar, and no, I am not making their shipname Gayjar so don’t even start lmfao) So please tell me if you’d like to read it!

@Littles_x yea if the advertising had been better there would probably be a lot more fans. Like the animation and character design are really good and its an entertaining story. But there would also be a lot more Karens complaining about it. Gary makes it 10000% better tho so the hate's worth it imo

@garyisgod ayyy, thank you so much, too! It really means a lot to me that people actually like what I write since I still have a longgg way to go in writing. And yeah, Sahara isn’t very known and hasn’t really been at all, it’s just gotten a lot of hate from angry Karen mom Lmao. But thank you sm!