
Yo! It's Bug. Thought I would let y'all know that I have stopped writing in White Christmas since the holidays are over. However, I am now taking requests for Destiel Oneshots! I have already started publishing some, and I'm also working on one right now. Lemme know if y'all have any ideas for what you wanna read! I'll do my best to meet your standards!!


Yo! It's Bug. Thought I would let y'all know that I have stopped writing in White Christmas since the holidays are over. However, I am now taking requests for Destiel Oneshots! I have already started publishing some, and I'm also working on one right now. Lemme know if y'all have any ideas for what you wanna read! I'll do my best to meet your standards!!


Hey! Bug here. I just wanted to let you guys know that the time of the releases for all of the chapters for "White Christmas" will now be releasing at 9:30 pm PST instead of 6:30 pm PST. I hope this is okay!!


@CassWasShotGun You are a human being you needs to rest, if others don't get that then crap on them lol


@HeatherTrent thanks for understanding lol i'm trying my best :')


@CassWasShotGun I don't mind whenever you can release them is cool by me


hey yall ;) i would just like to say that theres gonna be a littl bit of a delay with the upcoming bonus and final chapters that im working on. summer just started for me and im trying to rest and do things with family. hope yall understand!


Hey Everyone! I would just like to say that I am going to also put a copy of "My Angel" on AO3. I think it's good to also get it on there just in case WP bugs and people can't read it lol- Also, thank you everyone for being patient while I write the next chapter of "It's Just A Cold"! I promise that I will try and release it by sometime next week :)


Omg!! Tysm you guys! 900 reads?!? That’s crazy! I love you guys so much❤️❤️ thank you again for so many reads, you guys are awesome! I’m working on getting the last couple chapters out <3 is in class, need to go.. goodbye and ty for reading! 
          XOXO, Dean and Cass’s daughter ;)


Hey y'all.. I know I know. I havent postes in like FOREVER. My laptop cord decided to be stupid and break so now I must wait until some time in July to get it. So yeah. The chances are low for me posting a chapter, but not 0%. I promise i will release a chapter when i have the chance. Thank you all for being so patient and Happy Pride! ^^