Are you a victim? Are you the bully?
Why don't people just get the hint? There is nothing amusing about someone's pain. If you think so... I don't know. There might be a 'reason' for your displeasing habit of tormenting other souls, but that doesn't justify your actions. If your 'reason' is because someone else had bullied you before, save it. You're no better than them. Besides, haven't you read all those stories where 'revenge is never the answer' or something? Yeah, well there ya go! Making someone's life miserable WON'T make you happy (that's just messed up). Maybe you'd feel better because someone understands what you're feeling but that because you made their life sad too. I don't want to sound self-righteous and all. We all get mad though that doesn't make it alright to beat someone down. Try to control yourself and don't make it a habit. (Talking to yourself works) Why can't we all just be happy? But of course, that's too much to ask. -NovelGeek13