
Rest in Peace to the wonderful Maggie Smith. 
          	I feel like she was one of those actors who are so legendary, who have been so present in our life in the films that we watched like Harry Potter and that we continue to watch today, that you can’t imagine them being gone one day. 
          	I couldn't believe it when I found out, and I'm still in shock *crying emoji*
          	She was and still is iconic, and she will never be forgotten <33


Salut! J’adore ton compte! J’ai vu que tu avais écrit également une histoire sur Jasper. J’écris aussi, j’ai du mal à faire connaître mon histoire, vraiment, elle m’a sauvée et j’aurais voulue qu’elle puisse apporter à d’autres ce qu’elle m’a apportée. Serais-tu dispo pour un échange de lecture? 
          On m’a dit que tu étais très gentille et on m’a conseiller de venir te parler. Au plaisir <3 


@EnamorMre je t'ai envoyé un message :)


Oui c’est romanemeurie aussi 


@EnamorMre Non, je n'ai pas Insta par contre j'ai Pinterest si ça te convient ?


Rest in Peace to the wonderful Maggie Smith. 
          I feel like she was one of those actors who are so legendary, who have been so present in our life in the films that we watched like Harry Potter and that we continue to watch today, that you can’t imagine them being gone one day. 
          I couldn't believe it when I found out, and I'm still in shock *crying emoji*
          She was and still is iconic, and she will never be forgotten <33


Padmé Amidala’s faceclaims 
          Baby: Aidan Barton
          Young: Lilly Aspell
          Teen: Emily Carey
          CGI: Padmé Amidala(The Clone Wars)
          Adult: Adelaide Kane
          Hey bestie, what do you think of this for your version of Padmé?
          Raimel Casilcan’s faceclaims 
          Baby: Aidan Barton
          Young: Grant Feely
          Teen: Max Lloyd-Jones
          CGI: Jack Frost
          Adult: Toby Regbo
          and this for Raimel? Does it look great!


          So these last few days, I was at my grandparents' house so obviously, I wasn't very active (I literally disappeared from Wattpad lol) and I'm going back to school tomorrow BUT no, I didn't forget my fics!
           (people who ask me about the sequel to Miss Swan have given up hope) 
          With the start of the school year, things will be more complicated but I will try to be more present (and especially  publish chapters).
          I want to thank the people who continue to like my stories despite the fact that I'm not very regular!
          And a BIG thank you to my friends Tahi, Ana and Sarah who are always there to support me and listen to my new ideas, even the craziest ones (lol) you are incredible, thank you for being my friends <33
          And thanks to the other friends I've made recently, you're all awesome!! <33
          On that note, because I have to stop lol, have a good day/evening everyone, and happy new school year!!! (Is that what it says? No idea lol)


I’m still your friend. I ship Alena x Ani, Crystal x Ani and Rami x Padmé 


aww thank you very much! this message made me really happy, you are the sweetest <333
            I'm in writer's block and nothing I write satisfies me *crying emoji*
            And you? I hope you are well too <33
            Ps : I missed you even if we don't talk much ( have you a social where we could ? I'd love to talk with you if you're okay :) )


i feel this sm—i hope everything smooths out enough into a settled routine soon! i see how dedicated you are to your stories (even if i can’t read them :,( i wish i was multilingual LOL), but all your readers will patiently wait for your updates and give them all the love they deserve!!! <3 good luck! 


          Alors ces derniers jour, j'étais chez mes grands-parents donc forcement, je n'étais pas très active ( j'ai littéralement disparue de Wattpad lol ) et j'ai ma rentré demain MAIS non, je n'est pas oublié mes fics !
           ( les personnes qui me demandent la suite de Miss Swan doivent avoir perdu espoir ) 
          Avec la reprise de l'école, les choses seront plus compliqués mais je vais tenter d'être plus présente ( et surtout de publier des chapitres ).
          J'aimerai remercier les personnes qui continue d'aimer mes histoire malgré le fait que je ne sois pas très régulière !
          Et un GRAND merci à mes amies Tahi, Ana et Sarah qui sont toujours là pour me soutenir et entendre mes nouvelles idées, même les plus farfelues ( mdr ) vous êtes incroyables, merci d'être mes amies <33
          Et merci aux autres amies que je me suis fais récemment vous êtes tous géniaux !! <33
          Sur ce - parce qu'il faut bien que je m'arrête un moment lol - bonne journée/nuit à tous, et bonne nouvelle année scolaire !!! ( ça se dit ça ? aucune idée mdr )


@ CassideeMickaelson  ON T'ADORE ENCORE PLUS MA BELLE 


@mionelupin22 @MrsCullen13
            Ohhh merci à toute les deux! 
            Je suis super émue, vous ne pouvez pas imaginer :')
            Merci d'être mes amies, je vous adore <333


thank you for all your sweet comments, they really made me smile <3 hope you’re having a good day!! 


ahh thank you my love you’re really so sweet wow, hope you enjoy!! <33


@crystallous It’s my pleasure!! 
            You are truly a talented writer and graphic designer and reading your masterpieces is a real pleasure <33 
            I can't wait to be able to sit down to continue reading (the emotional damage isn't far lol) and I'm happy to have been able to make your day brighter!!