
I would like to make a public appology to everyone who's entered the Guilty Pleasure Awards for 2020!! Cax lost her job and I got very serious covid, which put us both out of commission for a hot second T_T
          	Cax is still looking for a job, but I'm doing much better now! I would actually like to try and resume the Awards, but I won't be able to do this alone...
          	If there are any people interested in co-hosting with me, please pm me and we can start to plan how to resume the contest! <3


@OnlyLemonsAreServed Hey guys!! Again, we are so so sorry about our sudden disappearance!! I hope we can bring this contest back!!! <3


Hi please I'm humbled to share with you my poetry collection (especially the last one)will be glad if you give me sincere feed
           back on my works but if you ain't intrested too that's fine thanks your time 


I would like to make a public appology to everyone who's entered the Guilty Pleasure Awards for 2020!! Cax lost her job and I got very serious covid, which put us both out of commission for a hot second T_T
          Cax is still looking for a job, but I'm doing much better now! I would actually like to try and resume the Awards, but I won't be able to do this alone...
          If there are any people interested in co-hosting with me, please pm me and we can start to plan how to resume the contest! <3


@OnlyLemonsAreServed Hey guys!! Again, we are so so sorry about our sudden disappearance!! I hope we can bring this contest back!!! <3
