Hello my wattpadders i'm having difficulties coming up with what I should write next so I'm setting up some questions, that I came to help me figure out what to write next. Please answer the questions as it will help you be more entertained and knowing what's coming up next with my writing.
Question number one what is the topic?
*1 Werewolf X Reader/other werewolf/vampire
*2 Anime
*3 Yandere X Reader
*4 vampire X reader/other vampire/werewolf
Question number two what should be the length???
*1 A bunch of different one shots
*2 A singular one shot
*3 A short story with about 15 through 18 chapters
*4 A long story with about 25 to 30 chapters
And if you would like to create a character or put yourself in a story just describe the looks personality and why you think he should be in the story I will have an anonymous sister of mine who's in the story or not thank you