Hi, howdy, hello. Hope everyone is doing well.
To start, I want to inform everyone that my teacher looks over everything I write. He just corrects grammar, punctuation, and wording. However that does mean that I don't have an estimate of when the stories will be up. He is very busy and I don't force him to check things.
Now, I want to thank everyone who read or is reading Broken. I put a lot of work into it and I'm glad people are enjoying it.
Second, You Have My Word is officially completed. It is currently being looked over, once my teacher gives me the ok I'll be reading it once more, then it will start going up. Since it is so long I will be updating it twice a week.
Third, I have another story in the works called Introvert which is almost complete. Again, once I finish it, my teacher will look it over and then I will read it again and it will go up. Introvert will most likely be going up once YHMW is completed.
I want to thank everyone for your patience and continued support. I hope you all have a great day or night! And I will talk to you all later.