
If anyone wants to say why they followed me that would help a lot of my confusion because I really don't know what y'all are doing here???


So I just got a sudden spike in followers and I'm not sure why since I've actually been inactive for like the past month while planning the sequel to Unity. So uuhhh... not sure why you're here but I just published a new chapter in Yes My Prince and the first chapter of Anarchy will be out September 7th. 
          Thank you all for following?


So I do have a very important announcement for you today.
          It was a mistake for me to choose Monday as the day for It's Classified because... I hate Mondays. We all hate Mondays. All I want to do on Monday is sleep when I get home, not put finishing touches or even possibly cramming a lot of a chapter. 
          I have a very special new schedule for the New Year. 
          New It's Classified, every other THURSDAY starting this Thursday.
          And then, this June, a new chapter EVERY Thursday.
          Yep, a whole chapter every week for the month of June, ending on June 30th with the grand finale, which actually does take place on that exact date in-universe.
          So I've signed myself up for boodles of fun. I hope you enjoy June's month of Soarin, when that does indeed roll around. See you Thursday.


Two important notices
          1- Previously known as LoreleiGrim I have become CatClio!!!
          Lorelei just didn't make a whole lot of sense but it was a pen name I was using for myself, actually the name of one of the characters in Gemini. CatClio is my name on other sites so I decided to just use it for everything.
          2- MagicMoon65, my best friend, and I have made a joint account, KittytheMoonGoddess, to post a story we're co writing (currently titled Saving Cilyra). Follow it if you feel so inclined. Also, check out MagicMoon65, she writes way more frequently than me and her stories are top notch.


Mason, the soon to be antagonist in It's Classified has been changed to Mallory!!
          Hope it doesn't turn anyone off the story!
          Enjoy my chapter update, sorry the first publish was a little messy.
          Expect new parts soon!


To anyone reading "Hemlock Academy" it has gone through a title and cover change. It is now "Gemini" and the cover is a sketch of mine for the time being (Until I can whip up a digital, cleaner version). The title change is for the better, I promise. And it will make sense very soon.