
On top of spaghetti,
          	All covered with cheese,
          	I lost my poor meatball,
          	When somebody sneezed.
          	It rolled off the table,
          	And on to the floor,
          	And then my poor meatball,
          	Rolled out of the door.
          	It rolled in the garden,
          	And under a bush,
          	And then my poor meatball,
          	Was nothing but mush.
          	The mush was as tasty
          	As tasty could be,
          	And then the next summer,
          	It grew into a tree.
          	The tree was all covered,
          	All covered with moss,
          	And on it grew meatballs,
          	And tomato sauce.
          	So if you eat spaghetti,
          	All covered with cheese,
          	Hold on to your meatball,
          	Whenever you sneeze.


Sorry we haven't spoken in awhile are you ok?


Sure please,now that I know it exists,btw my phone might've gotten hacked or its so old the update  oofed it


@Attackontrashcan better now that I'm at my grandparents house and if you want to I could give you my number so we could talk more 


On top of spaghetti,
          All covered with cheese,
          I lost my poor meatball,
          When somebody sneezed.
          It rolled off the table,
          And on to the floor,
          And then my poor meatball,
          Rolled out of the door.
          It rolled in the garden,
          And under a bush,
          And then my poor meatball,
          Was nothing but mush.
          The mush was as tasty
          As tasty could be,
          And then the next summer,
          It grew into a tree.
          The tree was all covered,
          All covered with moss,
          And on it grew meatballs,
          And tomato sauce.
          So if you eat spaghetti,
          All covered with cheese,
          Hold on to your meatball,
          Whenever you sneeze.