People don't realize how much judging and talking about them behind their back hurts. Or some people pushing them away from groups, or conversations. A lot of people do this at my school, it's honestly tiring and sickening. When they do that, they make people want to die, or make them feel depressed. There once was a girl who was slowly getting better. She found someone she "fell" in love with, someone who made her really happy at the start. Then things at home started crashing down again, the guy made it worse. He lied to her about a big thing, and little things. He damaged her more then she already was. So they broke up. At home things went up, then crashed down again. Her parents started getting stressed and zoning out. Her sister didn't take her pills that much. The sister talked to the girls ex. She asked why they broke up. After that things got better, then like a month or two they got worse again. Her parent continue to zone out, hold their emotions in, get made over little things, or yell. So the girl has been crying her self to sleep some nights in 3 months. The 4th month she met another great person that made her happy. Yes her friends make her happy also, but this 1 person made her happy, as much as her niece and nephew. He was dating someone at the time. They broke up a while after him and the girl met on the bus. His ex ended up moving somewhere else. So the girl and the guy ended up talking more, she was there for him all the time, and he was there for her when she felt like complete crap. She still cried herself to sleep because, of her stress and anxiety and school. Now she is with someone who makes her really really happy, but she still cries herself to sleep. Why? Because she continues to put bad stuff in her mind, she continues to be paranoid about a lot of things. So what i am trying to say is that, don't judge people or talk about them behind their back. Learn to like someone for their personality. Cause you will be one of the reasons why.