Hey guys my exams are starting very soon so I'm going to go on a hiatus, I don't know when I'll be back to writing, it just depends when I get motivation and have free time. I'll still pop online to talk to certain people just not write.
Love you all ❤️
helloooo! i’m just wondering if you are going to update “The Prank”? i really like the story and i would love an update, but if you can’t or don’t want to update it i respect that :]
Hey girl how you doing? Long time no talk lol. Hope ur exams went well xxxx also I js wanted to ask if u were still in contact with Stella if u remember her? She js disappeared from wattpad for some reason a long time ago
Hey girl! Hope your exams have been all good! I’ll be able to talk properly in half term so fingers crossed we can catch up, miss you and love you x
- Your oldie x
@CatLover_3695 Yo girl! Next time I see you know who I'll update you on life! For once I'm having a good autumn lol! Not going to England til New Year but will try update you as much as I can, miss you xx
@FiveColours04 hey queen they've been alright. Will you be seeing the person I've been spamming soon? Can't wait to talk to you I miss you too oldie. Love you ❤️