
@HON666: thanks its working now. :)


Heya!!! it's funny you know, you're the second person in wattpad that has a story with the same title as mine! I checked your story and i liked it! A nice, interesting start! i hope you'll continue posting!
          lol, check my story if you want! xD


  HI...i hope that you could read my story on..." A story of twisted fate(an immortal story)the past, present and future. When dreams turn to be real"
          Its my first time writing a story, please comment,fan and vote....your comment means a lot to me....thanks                        


hi there..
          i just wanted to try my luck here and ask if you could drop by at my profile and check my story entitled SCARLET MIDNIGHT...
          i also have a collection of poems to read. hope you could leave some comments or just vote on them if you like >_<
          lots of luv
          moongazer =)