
Just updated "Like Mother, Like Daughter" Sherlock BBC fanfic. The chapter: "Moving Fast"


Sorry I haven't been updating lately guys, I started high school and I'm uber busy! Don't worry though, I'll be updating one chapter to each story today and tomorrow, so keep on the lookout! Also, me and user @xXStillGotLegsXx are writing a story together, which will be on both of our profiles, about the youtubers Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil! Since I technically know Phil, and co-author Legs is an amazing writer, it's going to be pretty awesome! Check it out and watch out on both our profiles for it! Bye!


Yup! I'm me! I really enjoyed your story :) And, that's fine. I actually got this message while I was reading the first chapter of Hamish's High School Years, I LOVE IT already! I absolutely love the idea of Hamish Holmes (The Child of the Fandom). I ship Johnlock, but also Sherlolly. I can't decide! But, Johnlock is my OTP