
Chat... As of the moment EVERYTHING IS BACK!!!!! but if I have problems I'll have to go dark again ಥ_ಥ


@Cat_stole_my_phone anyways, DO YOU STILL REMEMBER MY RESQUESTS??


BESTIE! I'VE MADE NEW BOOK! Warriors: Follow The Storm had the allegiances, map(s), and first three chapters published to read now!


@Cat_Stole_My_Tablet Soooo-
            I have, like, all of book 1 written and ready to go, but just going to release a few chapters at a time to keep the devices of anyone following me to blow up-


Btw just ignore the person under this message, i think they are mentally lil or something


@kittystarly yea I was sure I blocked them 


@kittystarly they are still dragging the drama for some reason


Well well well you  you probably don't who I'm my name is Shade oh you remember my brother ryuga don't you realize I framed him off being dranger78 you and @gracewcfg were just tools for my plans I"ll. saw you were being rude to him I love it when he suffers  he was minor I'm don't give about damn him


@mysticwolf8952 @TheGreenGoblin5 istc if this drama doesn't leave my damn account- |ω;`)


For the people that don't know what happened Im going to share it in detail. 
          So I shared my account with someone I trusted (we're gonna call her A) she loves to read dark romance books with bad stuff in it (booktok girl stuff) and I told her I write stuff like that and she asked for my account. I don't have info on how they knew about it, but some others asked for my account aswell. She gave it because she was their friend (idk how they are assholes) and I found out they had it from A because one of the people who SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD IT said from a distance "hey I like your books on wattpad" then they whispered to a friend while laughing and went out the door to go home. I think they want me gone from my profession, so they want to use that to bring to higher ups to get rid of me. I dont know if they would forget or not so I'm just stuck right now. 


@HappyOctopusPlushie idk dude I asked A and she didn't know either ╥﹏╥


@Cat_stole_my_phone yeaah, but the others aren't friends friends with u or? And how did they know that u have an account here?


this message may be offensive
Ok children seriously WHAT DO I DO? do I wait for the bad people to just FORGET ABOUT MY ACCOUNT???? like I have no clue what to do
          Ideas that failed:
          They can make a new account, I have no clue who it is also
          New account- I'll lose ALL of my progress and kids
          Confront in person- 
          Yea no they fucking hate me
          I'm going to try to get more info on it but currently I have no clue on how to have my books published without danger of losing so much in my personal life. These books put such a bad image on me and I don't want to risk everything I have. 


@HappyOctopusPlushie I explained it in full detail in a recent announcement


@PDhero1608 progress in like follower count and my kids are my followers