
          	 the story that had me decide to fan you was the alpha bloodlines story. i haven't ever gave anyone any imput before but a friend of mine said that if i liked a story that i should. i realy like the realistic way you portrayed an abusive relationship of that nature.i encourage you to keep writting, and to enjoy your ability to tell a story.


           the story that had me decide to fan you was the alpha bloodlines story. i haven't ever gave anyone any imput before but a friend of mine said that if i liked a story that i should. i realy like the realistic way you portrayed an abusive relationship of that nature.i encourage you to keep writting, and to enjoy your ability to tell a story.


hey! thank you so much for fanning me! i love that people take the time to read my story so thank you, i hope you enjoyed it!  it means even more that i'm the first one you have fanned!! wow i feel so special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          out of interest which story was it that made you fan me?????
          i'm uploading a new story later this week called nothing left to loose which i hope maybe you'll check out and comment and if you like Vote.
          i look forward to any comments and stuff that you have about my story that you like - good or bad i'll take anything, critsim helps people inprove!
          thanks again Kirsty