
k so my mother decided that she was going to take my phone away for THE DUMBEST reason and i wasnt able to write but i remembered that i had a laptop so i logged into it and i started writing. there will be a chaper on each story aside from my oneshot book seening as my ideas are in my notes app but it is a fact that she will go through my phone so i deleted A LOT of photos along with wattpad so i hope she DOES NOT go through my notes app because i forgot to delete some of those and there are some... troublemaking notes i there so if i go afk for a long time its because she killed me or she stopped alowing me to have technology. ANYWAY the  chapters will be posted by midnight tmr. as always thank you for reading and thank you for bearing with my non-existant post schedule.


k so my mother decided that she was going to take my phone away for THE DUMBEST reason and i wasnt able to write but i remembered that i had a laptop so i logged into it and i started writing. there will be a chaper on each story aside from my oneshot book seening as my ideas are in my notes app but it is a fact that she will go through my phone so i deleted A LOT of photos along with wattpad so i hope she DOES NOT go through my notes app because i forgot to delete some of those and there are some... troublemaking notes i there so if i go afk for a long time its because she killed me or she stopped alowing me to have technology. ANYWAY the  chapters will be posted by midnight tmr. as always thank you for reading and thank you for bearing with my non-existant post schedule.


sorry about not posting a real chapter in a while a lot of stressful things have happened so i haven’t had time to write but i will try to make up for this by posting chapters more often. thank you for being understanding.
          -your author