
I have decided to put Writer's Block on hold for a long while. I havent worked on it for a long while and have to many other things to work on. I will pick it back up after I have finished my others works. My main priority right now is This Town has a Secret (TTHAS). That I started in October and I still havent gotten past the first chapter. But that story is my main priority. After I have finished TTHAS, I will work on Journal of a Slave, a short story that is not yet titled, some more memoir type short stories, then I will get back to Writer's Block. I also have school, homework, choir, orchestra, and theatre. I'm sorry to put that on hold but I started to many other things that I like better. I will get back to it as soon as I can. Thanks for patience, and keep an eye out for new things hopefully coming soon.


I have decided to put Writer's Block on hold for a long while. I havent worked on it for a long while and have to many other things to work on. I will pick it back up after I have finished my others works. My main priority right now is This Town has a Secret (TTHAS). That I started in October and I still havent gotten past the first chapter. But that story is my main priority. After I have finished TTHAS, I will work on Journal of a Slave, a short story that is not yet titled, some more memoir type short stories, then I will get back to Writer's Block. I also have school, homework, choir, orchestra, and theatre. I'm sorry to put that on hold but I started to many other things that I like better. I will get back to it as soon as I can. Thanks for patience, and keep an eye out for new things hopefully coming soon.


hey guys. One of the resolutions I made this year was to write more and post it up here. with school classes and activities I will be busy in this upcoming semester so I will try to post as often as possible. I'm hoping to post a chapter or part of one of the stories every 2 weeks. upload days are planned for Tuesday's. keep checking in for new updates. the main story goal right now is writers block (my newest) and the devil deals (my short story book). keeps watching for updates


Sry for not updating. School has started, homework is coming, and relationships are to be kept up on. But updates will come soon. I am hoping to post a part of The Devil Deals soon. I also hope to edit and update The Journal of a Slave, and Music Always Helps really soon. Keep your eyes open darlings. Its all coming.