So I know I haven't updated any of my stories in a really long time and though I do plan on finishing them I just really don't have any motivation to write the next chapters. I've been working on a new book that I'm really excited about and I plan to finish it all before posting it. Not sure if I'm going to post it all in one go or just a chapter every week or so. Tell me if y'all are interested or if you guys would read it! It's my own twist on a Cinderella story :) and bc I'm old school it's not going to be a modern reenactment.
- E
I am fine if ppl ask me for my stuff but if they find out abt it and take it I am going to get freaking pissed. One thing you should know to never take from me is my conditioner or other hair and makeup products. My dad took MY conditioner that was in MY bathroom and my mother bought for ME and was using it for himself in HIS bathroom. Like he took it from MY bathroom and moved it to his. A few points to note.
1. I literally cannot brush my hair without conditioning. It hurts so much without it.
2. Conditioner makes my hair look better. I work hard every other day to make my hair look good. And I do not need to worry abt my hair not being good bc I blow dry it every time I wash it.
3. My hair is longer then his. I am a girl and I have abt a bajillion more hair than he does. Why the heck does he need it? His hair is already quite soft and fine.
4. I will cry. I am not kidding I will cry if my conditioner is taken. It seems dramatic but I literally will cry.
5. My mother specifically told me when she bought it that the matching shampoo was hers and that she bought the conditioner for herself and my dad. That means that the conditioner is mine. M. I. N. E. I may be selfish but if I was told that it was for me I will not have ppl tell me that it is not or take it from me. I will use it more than he. 100% sure.
Sorry for my rant but I literally have like no friends to vent stuff to so lol
A home is a place where you feel excepted. Where the people there love you for who you are and don't judge you on your mistakes. They are willing to help you because they want to. Not because they are obligated. If someone hurts you they aren't worth the pain you have to go through. Sometimes we have to do the adult thing and be the bigger person. The one who lets ignorant people think what they want to think and assume what they want to assume. All you gotta do is look up to the sky and know that you'll be ok. No one can take your happiness away without your consent. Without you.
Find your home. That special place where you are loved and excepted. I learned that I'm stilling trying to find that place. And that's ok because one day I will find it. And so will you :)
Hey ya'll! I plan to update my stories this week! Thank you for all those who have stuck with me even with my horrible updating. It was my birthday yesterday so I didn't want to update then. I feel super bad about not updating for months on end and I am trying go pull my act together to update more consistently. Have a great day!
Yes! I have been thinking abt it lately but have been a bit busy. I've also been trying to think up some more things to happen. Hopefully there will be one up this week.