
Apologies to my Swan Queen readers. I've been real busy with summer classes so please bare with me. I haven't forgot


Hey Tati! I've read your story 'Island Love - One shot' and I absolutely loved it! i wrote a story taking place on an island too, but more in the Pacific area! I would love to exchange with you about it and to have some advice from you in order to improve my writing! 
          Thank you so much!


Hey I was wondering if you know the name of that one norminah story where dinah and funaki are  twins but everyone treats funaki better and normani has like super hearing and dinahs brother is dating zendaya and in the end dinah tries to kill funaki because she was jealous of her and instead of her parents coming to visit her in the hospital they were with funaki at the mental hospital so dinah moves with her brother. I can only remember little pieces but I have been looking for it for the longest if you have any clue what I'm talking about pleas let me know thank you.


Can you finish the list child the plot is amazing and should be finished


sorry babes I ran out of ideas for that story a long time ago. Like I’m pretty sure I was in a freshmen when I started writing it I was like a sophomore in HS. There is a disclaimer in the story saying it is a discontinued story, I just didn’t wanna leave you hanging. Thanks for reading tho