
you should all follow me on twitter @starlightlrh_  feel free to message me or tweet me!! I wanna speak to you all since I have been so inactive on here


I'm really sorry I haven't actually updated change in almost two months, I have been soooo busy, and I have major writers block! I will hopefully get an update out soon, as I have two weeks left of exams and then I am finished!!! 
          See you all soon x


Hiiii (I'm awkward) I read your note on change and tbh I love reading that book, I hope you continue it buttttt with that being said if you have too much going on and you can't that's ok too. You writing this book should be fun and you should enjoy it so if you don't feel like you can carry it on then stop, that's your choice. I hope WHATEVER is bothering you blows over.... If you EVER EVER EVER NEED TO TALK IM HERE :) (I'm not a creepy old man, I'm a girl living in the uk) xxxxxxx