My loves, it’s been a while, a long while since I’ve written on here but I hope you're all well and are looking forward to the new year. I’m not really someone who makes a big deal on commemorating special days i.e. birthdays, Christmas or even New Year etc but I can make an exception when it comes to the one thing I have been able to keep somewhat consistent which is my writing.
I started this journey of publishing online ten years ago this month; born out of my desire to feel validated as a human being and as a way to escape from my personal struggles. I've always found it hard to open up hence the reason why I hid behind my characters for so long.
But last month I gave my very first TEDx talk and it was most definitely one of the most scariest yet exciting experiences of my life. It was scary because I had to overcome a huge psychological block of sharing something that only a few people know of about me. And I'm really glad I did it.A lot of you have been with me from the start of the decade (remember Standing Tall and Damn Girl, You Ugly? (cringe lol)) and I believe I owe it all to you guys who have been on this journey with me to know the writer behind the words a little more.
So without further ado, here's the link to my TEDx talk:
Please feel free to share and let me know what you thought of it.
Also, Happy New Year!