I just don’t get it.

@CathU500 https://youtu.be/q4magCzmz4E reminds me of you, to some degree. I definitely would never hate you and I don’t think you’re like this “horrible person” for deciding you hate me, it just hurts and I wish you’d tell me why.

@CathU500 I miss ya. Not like you’ll see this. I don’t know why you decided to give up on me. Did I do something? If so, what? You were really the one that helped get through it. When I weren’t at my moms, you’d message me on the weekends. And when I lost my mom, I thought it’d be at least a little Okay since I had you. But you wanted to take that away from me too. It was therapy. But you took it away. Why? You won’t answer me why. I just want a simple answer, please. I wanna know why you want the worst for me. Is it because you’re just simply bored of me, and never want anything to do with me? What is it? Just tell me what Please. Then we won’t ever speak again. You took my therapy away so it’s been getting really really hard to make it through a day without harming myself. I know you don’t care. You said you’d keep in contact, but you just said that to get my hopes up, then completely ignore me and make it worse. So so much worse. And it’s been getting so hard. I’m not doing it for much longer. I’m killing my self. I just gotta find out when and how

O hi Cat. Doubt you’ll see this pffft but hi.