This is Ari and I’m not dead (yet, lol). I’m sorry about how slow this contest is getting judged, but the Coronavirus has been crazy and messed up my whole schedule. On top of that, I’m autoimmune compromised (yay). Your stories will still be getting judged! But if you could help judge, even one story, that’d be very helpful.
This is Ari and I’m not dead (yet, lol). I’m sorry about how slow this contest is getting judged, but the Coronavirus has been crazy and messed up my whole schedule. On top of that, I’m autoimmune compromised (yay). Your stories will still be getting judged! But if you could help judge, even one story, that’d be very helpful.
Please make sure you stay on track with your rubrics! The last judging assignments will be given by this Sunday! Also, if I leave comments on your rubric, you need to keep up on that as well!
If you want to become a judge and just want to judge one or two stories as a helper, then please PM this account and I’ll add you in!
Happy judging.
Is there anyone fluent in Spanish (or English) that can become a judge? Apparently, this contest is more Spanish-speaking oriented. 42% of our submissions are in Spanish, but we only have 2 judges capable of judging Spanish!
If you’re a judge/participant and you’ve changed your username, TELL US. Some of the judges are MIA and I’m stuck tracking them down via email. If we need more judges or want to know if any judges can take on 2 more stories, we’ll keep you updated. Thank you for your cooperation. There shouldn’t be any judging delays.
The following participants have incomplete story submissions and need to edit them:
@jessicahoyette for the story, Smorgasbord
@Infinitebae for the story, Neveah
@Scent-Of-Innocent for the story, Death in Disguise
@Scent-Of-Innocent for the story, Notes on a Heartstring