Lately I've seen many stories disappear, to be never found in WattPad again. I understand that many writers would love to be paid, receive a reward for their effort etc. Nothing wrong with it.
What is bothering me personally the most, where most apps are partly free, you also pay for a lot, to be almost forced to keep on paying for extra chapters, features etc. That is truly a big fraud.
I've started my WattPad account years ago, enjoyed so many stories, tried writing for myself, that's just not any worth. Sadly all those apps nowadays are asking to be paid, such a big shame since the quality seems to be going down and the requirements are going up.
Dear writers and readers, IAM a very big reader, multiple languages and genres, if I leave a comment that is always heartfelt. Most times I try to wait for the storie to be completed and reread it multiple times. They say patience is a virtue, sadly when money is tight or none existent, reading is s way of travelling and dreaming, learning and hoping. Truer is that live is becoming very very costly and all those little things do add up. Becoming wheelchair dependent is not helping since even normal things as trousers or shirts are X10.
A few days ago, just a litre of milk, potatoes, 2 loaves of bread, cheese and coffee€54,62.
And then all these apps just saying buy coins to read the next chapter etc.
Just where is all the world going to that it is alright to just go up and up?
Because most of the people aren't paid at all, they are doing you a service, or as they call it here VRIJWILLIG.
Why in the name of all things good do we need to pay for it? Live is hard enough as it is. With me many are also struggling, just please be so kind.
Allow us all to enjoy those travels to when and where ever so to make life worth living again.
Seeing that with the current money trent, going anywhere at all will not be available to those with low income.