
To all my readers who have been reading The Magical Side of Things, I am sorry for the delay in updates, but unfortunately, I have been grounded from every electronic that I have and have not been able to update. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I'm sad to say that I will not update for a while still. I'm rewriting my book because if I ever want to get it published, it needs to be better than what you all have read. My story, I felt, was too childish and cliché so the book is headed into a new direction! Again, I am truly sorry for not updating these past two months, but please be patient with me. Hopefully, I'll have the new chapters up before the end of the summer. For now, until next time my fellow readers!


Thanks so much for voting on my story Wings of War. I hope you’re enjoying! ^-^


Well thank you so much!! I’m very honored that you think that. ❤️


@thebirdwhisperer No problem! And yes, I am very much enjoying it! You write beautifully and in such a sophisticated manner... it's uncanny. Keep up the fantastic work!


Thanks for voting on The Dream Weaver. Hope you enjoy the story and all the multimedia stuff in it.


woo you're on top of my updates. LIKE that. Hope you like the next book too. Soon to be started. :)


@The3dreamers Ahaha yeah. I've really enjoyed your book so far, and I am most definitely looking forward to reading the next chapter!!


You've been reading for days!  More to come. I just posted the current chapter earlier today.  :)


To all my readers who have been reading The Magical Side of Things, I am sorry for the delay in updates, but unfortunately, I have been grounded from every electronic that I have and have not been able to update. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I'm sad to say that I will not update for a while still. I'm rewriting my book because if I ever want to get it published, it needs to be better than what you all have read. My story, I felt, was too childish and cliché so the book is headed into a new direction! Again, I am truly sorry for not updating these past two months, but please be patient with me. Hopefully, I'll have the new chapters up before the end of the summer. For now, until next time my fellow readers!


To all of my followers and readers, I am discontinuing two of my books: Lucy the Shining Fairy and The Five Stars. I'm sorry if you liked those books, but I need to concentrate on my main book: The Magical Side of Things. I want to one day get it published and it's hard to try to update three books at the same time, so gomenasai minna! I hope that you can forgive me. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, you can message me in my inbox


please post it been a while :'( O:-) :-( :-) :-P


@Day_Morganstern You're welcome. And thank you. I think you're the only person that ever says that yo me, so thanks


@CatherineNH Okay thanks anyways, you awesome


@Day_Morganstern I'll try. I've been real busy and I've been having some mental problems so I'm really sorry I haven't updated. I'll try to update asap, okay? No promises though


@Day_Morganstern Now that's a real tmi fan! Lol. My best friend wants to kill Jace :(


@CatherineNH OMG my too I HATE JACE NEEDS TO DIE IN HELL FOR WHAT HE DID. you know ;-) (said sweetly) I like your friend. Does she have a wattpad???