
Thank you so much for your unstinting support, I really appreciate it!


@LizKeysian1 I really love your writing. It's a no brainer to support something you love. Keep the stories coming! Thank you for sharing. I used to hate reading and now thanks to people like you here on wattpad, I can't read enough! You have helped me delve into so many lives of these characters! :-) 


I came by to say thank you and I just read the most adorable accounting of two very blessed people. Completely and utterly adorable! and I hope you give me more :) Keep writing your story, it's absolutely precious and makes me wish I had met mine that early. I was 16, he, 19 and I was best friends with his little sister :D I had to go back there in my mind to write Betsy quite a bit! And truly, thank you greatly for taking the time, I love knowing it's worth voting for to my readers! Blessings and love- Angie 


I stuck her nose in a good book when she was younger and created a book worm :) Then she made us both authors! I, also, need to write our story down for the children before it is even more difficult to remember than it would be now. But, but, he moved! And now how do you find one another again?!? :D I will pray you are flooded with memories just so I can enjoy! I am humbled, milady, with your kind words. I kind of have a soft spot for Violet and Betsy also, as you can probably tell, now I have one for your sweet couple!


            Thank you for reading what little I've written. I talk to my husband about the book and always ask him "Do you remember when this happened?" I've been jotting down a few memories but don't have enough at this moment to complete a short chapter. I know things will come back to me slowly and rest assured I'll be continuing my story. It makes my heart swell with joy to know that people are taking time to read and comment. Your comment is the most note worthy and endearing I've read! Thank you again for reading. I've read your daughter's work and yours as well. They are absolutely fabulous! Violet and Betsy are my favorite characters of all.  I love how you wrote your author's notes. They entice me too read on! Bless you for being you and raising such a talented daughter. 