
Thank you so much for 800 followers❤


im so excited to read mend my heart♥!! take this message as more inspiration to push through rewriting is. I love you and your story and konsepts. i hope that youdont experience any writters block, but if you do; dont worry! if you have writter block i pray it won't last long.
          lots of love - from South-Africa 


@christmass_treehouse lol that's a compliment haha. I'm older 


 hello, first of sorry for the message I sent earlier this year. When I reread what I wrote, I cringed so bad. The way I worded the sentence was awful and the typos did not help. Sorry that you had to read through that, hopefully I have improved :)
            Anywhooo, yes I am from SA and I live in Limpopo. Where do you live? Also how old are you? My guess would be tgat you are is between 16 and 23 y/o


@christmass_treehouse I'm humbled and touched by your words ❤ Thank you so much for the love and support. I truly appreciate it  I can't wait to start writing the 2nd book, I'm almost done with this one. 
            And omg, you are also from South Africa? Where? 


Hi, I've been reading "find a way to my heart" and now I want to move to "mend my heart" but it says "story not found" what can I do ? 


@12_andiey oh alright, noted ❤️


@12_andiey hey, I took the books down. I'm currently rewriting the series cause I didn't like how the books were written. 
            Please bear with me ❤️ The 2nd book will be up soon