Damn I’ve really haven’t been on here for a while huh? It’s funny seeing all my stuff still being viewed since i thought i would be come a relic of the past by now, my life has been going up and down and it’s been a rough ride since now i got diploma’s next month, i need to start looking for university’s, and colleges i want to go to, have to get a job now. It wasn’t till i finally i finally remembered i had this account i thought “i would visit it just for the hell of it” and by god it’s both cringy and nostalgic looking through my old works of when i was 13-15, by the way I’m 17 now just turned it two months ago back in march an will be graduating early. It’s still so bizarre how fast time went by because one moment I’m planning the next story for one of my works when i was 14 going on 15 and one blink later I’m 17 an working on practice question’s for the up coming social diploma… i can’t say i still don’t love this place and my followers i love you all dearly it’s just i no longer know what to write about anymore nor do i have the time anymore like i once use to, it makes me sad that you all still love my work and choose to wait hoping I’ll post or update them when in truth i have nothing to hand over to you all even though i promised i would have so I’m apologizing now and I’m thankful you stuck with me through almost all my teenage years.
i love you and appreciate everything you’ve all done for me, remember that.