
Hello, I'm doing a major update to all my stories and will try to finish a few soon! thanks!
          	Cat x


Hello, I'm currently doing a collaboration with my best and longest friend,  a big shout out to @RachelAllan3 .  Unfortunately there is a order that you have to read it in.  Her story is called 'Dear, A girl I love' and mine is called 'Dearest friend'  Please read one of her chapters then mine to understand the full plot line.  Thank you my friends.
          Cat x


Hello everyone, again I'm terribly sorry for not writing in a while and I know that some of you are disappointed but currently my laptop that I wrote on is broken and I need to get it fixed or get a new one (I'm not quite sure which yet!) I hope you all understand.  I'm sorry.


Greetings people of earth! I shall be doing a collaboration story with @AuraTehPotato she is a fantastic writer and friend please follow her and show her support like you would do for me! thanks Cat xx


Your very welcome mate xx