
Hey guys! Not sure how many people are on here actively following this so I'll also post it- well everywhere else. I am starting a new account similar to this one, Ive added an Instagram account to that one so it will be more personal and the stories will be similar as well. Thank you all for everything! 


Hey guys! Not sure how many people are on here actively following this so I'll also post it- well everywhere else. I am starting a new account similar to this one, Ive added an Instagram account to that one so it will be more personal and the stories will be similar as well. Thank you all for everything! 


Hey everyone! I am thinking of rewriting Princess of the Dark and writing the second part to it, Queen of the Dark. I would love some feedback on this and to hear what you guys think of all of this. Message me or comment here i would love to see and hear everything you guys have to say! 
          >>> Thanks again, Catlin


Hey guys! I know it has been a very VERY long time since i have done anything and i thank you for waiting for me. I am back now, happy to be settled where i am. Things have changed but i am back for now. There are going to be quick updates on some stories and some new stories.  I am closing some of my other accounts so those stories will be uploaded here. Sorry for all the chaos guys! Thank you so much very everything you did. 
          >>>>>> Catlin C:


Hey there guys! wow it's been a while! Anyway i'm writing something now that I think you guys will like. I will probably be putting up the prologue here soon but i'm not sure. Anyway message me back or just leave a comment here and let me know what you think and if you wanna a little sneak peak into what's happening message me! Well see you guys soon! 
          -Catlin ^.^