I don't even know what  to write in here. So, I suggest you carry on with what your doing.

But if you're persistent, I guess I can't hold you back
There are many secrets that I keep: secrets of the world, secrets of myself, and all your (and everybody else's) secrets...

I can introduce myself to you in this description box but you should know that this is just a very tiny part of me. I can't say everything, I might spill some of these secrets and THEY might finally catch me.

So here we go... Things I like (that you would normally see me commenting on):
-My Chemical Romance (And probably the emo trinity too)
-Gravity Falls
-PJO HoO and the HP books
-Random stuff you wouldn't wanna know
-Oh wait, I almost forgot. CATS!!!

I usually don't dislike stuff because I respect everything and everyone... But mess with my friends and I'll make sure you suffer in Tartarus.

I probably won't write a book unless I get really, really, REALLY bored. You see, I'm more of a reader than a writer. Hmm, well actually, both but I'm not in the mood to write one.

And if you want to know more, you'll need to get really, really close to me first.

Lastly, I'm a dude and definitely not gay... I'm serious. Dead serious.
  • Bluestone Mental Institution
  • SumaliMay 16, 2014

Huling Mensahe
CatsOrGetTheFvckOut CatsOrGetTheFvckOut Jun 15, 2016 12:00PM
Nah, nevermind. XD
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Kuwento ni Pizza
1 Reading List