
@MadAsRabbits88 Oh. Let me check that out, I edited it a few weeks ago and moved some parts around, I might of cut something out by mistake. Thanks for picking that up!


Hiya! I'm just curious to see if you're still writing! All of your things I've read so far are really good, and it's always such a shame to see good works go unfinished and excellent writers stop writing. I hope you're okay, and if anything is wrong I hope this question doesn't offend/bother you.


Hi guys, as some of you may know (I posted a status concerning it a few weeks ago) I recently signed up to a Space Pan-Bandom AU challenge, for which I have to write a short story for my chosen fandom (MCR, duh) set in or inspired by space and challenges mean I have deadlines and check-ins (my two most feared concepts. Send help!) so I'm going to post my work thus far on those days so that hopefully you guys can tell me what's working and what's not. That way I can edit and make changes before the final deadline. 
          The first check-in is tomorrow and I'd greatly appreciate it if some of my more regular readers would check it out and give me your honest opinions on the work so far. 
          It's called Why You'd Want to Live Here so look out for the title.