
Just a quick announcement to those readers following my 'Wish Upon A Star' fanfiction: I will be going through old chapters and editing them to remove the phonetic accents for each Hetalia character, and will continue to not use them moving forward. As I've gotten older and more mature in my writing style, I've realized how shallow and potentially insensitive this practice is, and I really want to fix my mistakes in my primary series. So, if anyone receives notifications about WUAS being updated tonight, that is why. I *will* be continuing the story in earnest soon, but for now, it's just some minor editing.


Just a quick announcement to those readers following my 'Wish Upon A Star' fanfiction: I will be going through old chapters and editing them to remove the phonetic accents for each Hetalia character, and will continue to not use them moving forward. As I've gotten older and more mature in my writing style, I've realized how shallow and potentially insensitive this practice is, and I really want to fix my mistakes in my primary series. So, if anyone receives notifications about WUAS being updated tonight, that is why. I *will* be continuing the story in earnest soon, but for now, it's just some minor editing.


Just poking my head in to say this:
          It's been a long, long while since I've been active here. Some things have changed, some things haven't, and my schedule is highly unpredictable... However, I'm trying to get back into writing for my own enjoyment, and am looking back at continuing older series for fun-sies.
          For the moment, I'm focusing on a Garrus/FemShep story to help with Mass Effect: LE withdrawal symptoms; if anyone is interested, please feel free to share in my pain. </3


An update to all of my followers and those who enjoy my stories:
          I've been incredibly busy of late. There is a chance that I will be moving out of my childhood home within the next two months; this means that updates to my stories will continue to be few and far between. Hence, I'd like to make a loose promise: I will try and update 'Butterflies and Hurricanes' as often as possible, as that is where my heart is right now. My passion for Undertale is faltering somewhat, and my love for Hetalia comes and goes. This being said, I will probably post an update for my one shot series and/or my main story relatively soon.
          As for all of my other works, I apologize: I cannot guarantee or estimate when they will be continued. I hope that you understand... And I hope that some of you look forward to 'Butterflies and Hurricanes' as I do. ^-^


it's so cool that your following me I'm really excited to read all your storys


@KeyKeyAlaska5 its ok and sorry it took me so long to reply I was washing my hair cuz it snowed today and I got it in my hair lml


@KeyKeyAlaska5 I'm glad you were inspired by my work. I'll try and restart the creative juices for that story; I've just been occupied with Hetalia for a while.


@KeyKeyAlaska5 yeah I was waiting for you to finish but I got inspired to make a fan fiction 