
Guess who’s going to the gym? It’s me :3
          	I actually have motivation to get the body I want and I’m actually getting it! That’s literally the entire life update


@Ang3lxLeviackerman Dw about replying super late. Both gym & cosplay are going extremely well. The cosplay side of things are currently stuck in the plague doctor phase but once I have a plan, I’ll be moving on to other cosplays. Hope you’re doing good too :D


@ItsCatcula heyy this is so late but congrats!! so proud of you. Gym is genuinely super fun even when you don't do much work. I hope your cosplaying is going well toooo


Guess who’s going to the gym? It’s me :3
          I actually have motivation to get the body I want and I’m actually getting it! That’s literally the entire life update


@Ang3lxLeviackerman Dw about replying super late. Both gym & cosplay are going extremely well. The cosplay side of things are currently stuck in the plague doctor phase but once I have a plan, I’ll be moving on to other cosplays. Hope you’re doing good too :D


@ItsCatcula heyy this is so late but congrats!! so proud of you. Gym is genuinely super fun even when you don't do much work. I hope your cosplaying is going well toooo


Random Life Update: 
          Soo my college tutor has agreed to let me take professional photos for cosplay stuff since she asked all of us what our ‘dream’ job was so I’m trying to put together a cosplay insta account and a couple kinda crappy cosplays. It won’t be up for awhile cause I don’t wanna make it and then have nothing to post but it’s a step in the right direction and my mum is completely on board with me doing cosplay as a professional job which I’m super happy about.


Cosplay Instagram is Finally up! And we do be running a plague doctor theme around here! Cosplay Account: Only.Plague.UwU. (Will think of a better name soon :D)


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Hey, it’s been awhile hasn’t it? Yes surprisingly, I’m still here! College is aids and tbh I’m spending basically all my free time gaming instead of writing. Priorities are fucked but hey, can’t help it. Dealing with mental health, trying to get diagnosed with stuff yk the usual crap ppl go through. Overall, pretty crap. With a better hand of cards, I’m starting to get into semi professional cosplay! Just waiting for the first big ish cosplay stuff to arrive and to set up an account and hopefully I’ll be able to share it with you guys! Anyways that’s the only exciting news I can share right now and I’ll probably poof for awhile. Cya guys soon ish!