
Bilingual poem about accepting treatment


This was the original message. There is a whole movement in facebook and twitter called Binders Full of Women Writers with plenty of pointers, tip and editorial names big and small. You may want to join. It's by invitation only. So please give me your facebook profile name and your email address so that I can send you an invite. There is even a subgroup for Canadians. ... That's why I don't want to go on wattpad anymore. I wonder if it's possible to have a close group in wattpad, where you only follow/are followed by a handful of people. You need time to write. One can't spend so much time reading and commenting.


Awww, thank you so much for considering me for an invite, Lisbeth. That is such a nice gesture on your part. I can understand why you would prefer to have a close group on WP as the commenting and reading can take up so much of one's time that it does make it difficult to find the time to write.  (My husband's declining health has been of great concern to me as of late as well so I have had to reduce the amount of time I can spend on my writing. However my close WP followers have been so supportive and given me so much encouragement and for that I am extremely grateful.)


Lisbeth, the message that I received from you today somehow disappeared before I could respond to it. However, I think you mentioned something about Facebook and or Twitter activities. I am not involved with either Facebook or Twitter. (I can barely keep up with my WP postings, comments, etc.)  However, I do hope we can keep in touch somehow through our writing, especially if you do decide to close your WP account. : ) ~ Gail


Happy May Day for yesterday, Lisbeth. Where are you? Traveling? Working too hard? Hope you're okay. : ) ~ Gail


@Cayena  Lisbeth, I'm sorry it took so long for me to discover this reply. I hope all went well with your move back to California and your son's graduation. 
            It's good that you are corresponding again with your B.C. friend. I just spotted a comment of yours on the newsfeed so I hope that is a sign that we are going to see more of you. 
            : )  ~ Gail


I am still in limbo stage. I will be closing on my house and my son will graduate just in a couple of weeks. Then, we move to California on May 31. I am planning on coming back, but for now, just keeping the blog on Sundays is a lot of work. Did you check it out? I started back in January.
            How are you doing? I finally got back in touch with my friend in British Columbia. We've began to correspond again.


Wishing you all the best for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year, Lisbeth. Hopefully, you'll soon have time to look in on us. ~ 
          Gail <3


@Cayena Lovely to hear from you again, Lisbeth. Take care. : )))


Have a wonderful 2014 and may all your most cherished wishes come true. May this be a year filled with jou, memorable moments, and health.


Missing you  . . . ~ Gail


@Cayena Lisbeth, delighted to hear from you and look forward to when you have a little more time for Wattpad in January. I do hope things are going well (better than just survival)  for you in the meantime.  All the best for Christmas and New Year : ))) ~ GAIL


Me too, Gail. I hope to have more time to be on Wattpad around January. In the meantime, I just survive with the little time I have.