
Hi everyone! I decided to post some character aesthetics for Coral, Evelyn, Henry, and Maggie from INTO THE OCEAN. The aesthetics were inspired by my friend who makes awesome aesthetics. Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day!


Hi everyone! I decided to post some character aesthetics for Coral, Evelyn, Henry, and Maggie from INTO THE OCEAN. The aesthetics were inspired by my friend who makes awesome aesthetics. Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day!


Hi guys, so I have some good news. Into the Ocean is finally completed!!! I am so happy to share the full story with you guys! I have plans for another book, but I don’t know when it will posted. Thank you guys for sticking by me while I wrote Into the Ocean, it has meant a lot to me :)


Hey guys, I am so sorry about not updating “Into the Ocean”. I’ve been really busy with school and I haven’t had much time to sit down and write. I’m hoping I’ll be able to write soon, but I am not sure. I feel horrible about all of this, and I apologize.


I just updated Into the Ocean, and I am proud to say that chapter 12 (the new chapter) is the longest one I have ever written!  Hope you guys enjoy it, and the next chapter will not be in Coral's point of view.... ;)


Hello everybody!  I am SO sorry about the (long) delay in the positing of chapter 6!! I have been super busy, and I also had writers block for a little while.  I am happy to say that it is now posted!  I hope you enjoy it, and again, I am so sorry.


Hi guys! As you probably already know, I deleted "Teenage Spells".  The reason was I didn't really know how to continue the story.  However, I am writing a knew book that I have a great plot line for.  So, I really hope you guys like my knew book, and I'm really sorry about "Teenage Spells".