
@storiesandstarbucks wow I'm sorry I just read this  this is amazing... I apologize for never updating this story... My computer  broke and its hard to edit on phones and my computer keeps deleting stuff so I kind of just gave up.... Thank you so much for this comment and I would love to read some of your works


Hii I just finished reading Dating a Black and I love it do much I love your writing style you re amazing I just wanted to ask you if you can check my story out its also a bellarke fiction and I really hope u do I called it "the nurse" wish u all the best and thank you for your time


@storiesandstarbucks wow I'm sorry I just read this  this is amazing... I apologize for never updating this story... My computer  broke and its hard to edit on phones and my computer keeps deleting stuff so I kind of just gave up.... Thank you so much for this comment and I would love to read some of your works


Hello :¨)
          I wanted to say that i truly love your story. You are very talented. I started to write my own fanfiction. It's called DUSK. I wantzed to ask you if you could check it out. I deffinitely understand if you're not interested or if you're busy.
          Anyways.....heheheheh....Thanks see yaaaa
          hashtag Bellarke for life :D